Your Crown PTH50 pallet jack (or a jack with a similar pump) is not lifting anymore.
Your first step is to bleed the pump:
Put the lever in the release position and pump the handle. About 10 times. That will cycle any air bubbles out of the valve.
If there is still no lifting, check the oil level in the pump. Unscrew the fill plug and check. You should see oil in there, but only to about an inch below the top—not all the way full!
Disconnect the lifting link from the lever and pump the handle: if the pump is lifting, your problem is with the lifting link in the handle. If it is not lifting, your problem is in the pump.
Now you isolated the problem, you can check with us to see if we have a replacement pump or you may decide to rebuild your hydraulic unit with one of our seal kits.
We have how-to videos to help you.

We break the process down into 3 parts:
1) Remove from pallet jack
2) Take the unit apart and drain
3) Rebuild with new seal kit